List of Device which are supported by Lineage OS

If you want to know if you device is supported by Lineage OS or will you get Lineage OS update ? then you at right place today we will show you the list of devices which are supported/compatible with LineageOS.

We all know that CyanogenMod has vanished from the android’s history and the new OS took place of it which is LineageOS. so yes this mean that there will be no development in the CyanogenMod and no update will come further and the last update was CM 14.1. (Device Supported by Lineage OS)

CyanogenMod was there like from past 8 years and CM was the heart of our mobile they make bestest Custom and nightly builds but they are working on any other project so they closed their services which they think they can’t maintain. (Device Supported by Lineage OS)

But it is not the end of world :p , lineageos will take place of CyanogenMod from where CM has left mean the update will come but not in CM it will come in lineageos we don’t know the exact date of release of lineageos but we will update it soon but the supported device are listed below. (Device Supported by Lineage OS)

So here is the list of all the mobile which are supported/compatible by lineageos (Device Supported by Lineage OS)

Device Supported by lineage OS

So these are the devices which are supported by LieangeOS and we will update the list soon if we have more information regarding LieangeOS till then we have to wait of their official annoucnement